Friends with Clown Cars


New Member
I have a friend who is really proud of her car. She insists on driving when ever we go anywhere. I secretly hate her car though. When I get in it I feel like I am riding in a clown car. Anyone else with this issue?


New Member
I do have some friends who drive super small cars. I am not tall enough to worry about it. I do have one friend who is pretty tall and he refuses to ride in tiny cars. He would much rather drive his big truck.


New Member
Just be glad you do not have to ride in one of these. I was visiting a friend in Canada who has one. They all drive them up there. Sure they are great cars, but talk about clown car!



New Member
I really hate it when my family members insist that we drive in their car to visit other family members a few hours away and we all have to be mushed together in the backseat. Of course the driver and passenger in front want us all to go in their car - they are perfectly comfortable and content with ample leg room!