Water In The Gas!


New Member
We went to a local gas station and we got gas a couple of weeks ago. Come to find out, the station has bad seals in all of their tanks and everyone around town has been talking about it. We had to find some "dry gas" additive and put it in the tank. The way my van missed was horrible. We have finally gotten it straightened out.


New Member
Good thing it did not ruin your engine! I add dry gas with every fill up starting in November. You never know how much condensation you will get in this colder weather.


New Member
I have had to do that before but it usually isn't a big deal because you can tell right off if you have gotten bad gas. I am glad that you got it sorted out. I would definitely avoid that station in the future though.


New Member
Thanks guys. I may take your advice on that, HotRod. Naptime-you had better believe I avoid that station. I wish I had found out before I got the gas. We filled up today at another station without any trouble.