What's on your 'list'


New Member
I have an emergency list of goodies in my truck, and one of a similar nature for the Missus and her van.

While they do vary a bit (in part because I'm the more capable, the idea of her jacking up that van to change a flat is enough to make me incriminate myself), there's a few basics common to us both.

I'm curious --- what do you have in yours?


New Member
Even though I live in an area in which if you got stuck you can walk home and never be within viewing distance of houses and business, I like to have a few things in the car. I have an emergency kit that includes jumper cables, and a first aid kit. I also like having a blanket and/or beach towel. I also have water, and a few snacks. During the winter, I like to carry some cat litter in case I get stuck in the snow. I also have a fold away shovel.


New Member
The back cab of our truck holds a great deal of goodies in case we are stranded and that includes a very heavy but very small winter coat. The last thing you want is being stuck on the road is of the road in a t-shirt in nasty weather.


New Member
I have a theoretical list, but it doesn't usually actually happen. I would like to have water, granola bars, blankets, diapers & wipes, an extra change of clothes for the littles, and basic tools. I think, of those, the only thing actually in the car right now is basic tools.


New Member
Not that much, really. I have a can of flat fixer, a flashlight and basic tools, flares and some jumper cables, plus my roadside assist telephone number.

Dodge Doll

New Member
It depends, really, on the time of year and the range of my driving.... if it's local stuffs, like to and from work, about all I carry, really, is a jug of water and 100 ft of rope (there's a BIC lighter lurking in the ashtray, it stays there!).

If I'm going on a trip, or driving outside of my comfort zone (which is all city driving, for the most part), things like a blanket, an extra water bottle, a first aid kit (store bought), a change of footwear (NOT kidding) and socks, and my waterproof windbreaker.

My purse is an outdoor survivalists DREAM, there's universal tools and pen knives, BIC lighters, and the purse itself is leather: leather has it's place!