Recent content by Dish

  1. D

    Do you have kids?

    Well I was just wondering - I got curious because most people with 4 passenger seat cars usually have a family of four (ahem.. o.O). So yeah, I was wondering if you guys are married and have kids yet? I don't have any kids yet, I have a girlfriend but we're not planning on getting married any...
  2. D

    Should age..

    Does age truley affect the ability to "love"? In life, whether you are 8, 10, or even 18. There will always be an older parental figure to tell you that you are "too young to know what love is". This is were my question comes in. Can a persons age honestly affect their ability to comprehend the...
  3. D

    How often do you use your credit card?

    Yeah.. I guess we can all conclude that credit cards are safe and we only use them when we really have to.. I mean that's like the solid truth - why would we use them when we got pure cash on our hands? It shows more respect to the cashiers in my opinion, and would you give tips to a waiter with...
  4. D

    Do you know a lot about cars?

    I don't know if I can say I know too much about cars, but I do know my fair share about cars. If you have any questions about cars feel free to ask me. You can either do this by asking here in this thread, sending me a private message, or just ask some questions in the other forum car-related...
  5. D

    NBA thread.

    Gosh, has anyone seen the dunk competition in 2008? I really liked Howard's dunk, everyone keeps saying it wasn't a dunk.. I mean it was.. shut up about it. When your hand is above the rim (HIS WHOLE ARM WAS ABOVE THE RIM FOR GOD'S SAKE..), it's always a dunk whether one throws it in or not. And...
  6. D

    How old are you?

    Like I said on some introductions, and I'm sure you've already read about me, but I'll just say again for the sake of other members reading :) So I'm 18, I've got my first car, it's nothing special. I've went to some casinos, I mean that's the first thing I did when I turned 18 lol.. they ask...
  7. D

    What do you do for your birthday?

    Well I don't really do anything special for my birthday, I just like to open my presents I get from my friends when they come over to my birthday party. I do basically everything the same as Agree, but I just don't get my parents to do anything. They already work hard at work for money to...
  8. D

    Do you play football?

    Well I was just wondering, does anyone here play football (soccer)? I watch major league soccer when I have free time, but I like playing better than watching, especially for football. I mean watching people running back and forth just kicking a ball around is pretty boring in my opinion, so...
  9. D

    How often do you use your credit card?

    Well like everyone else said, I'm sure they will be more safely assured to carry credit cards around than pure cash, because even if you lose your card people can't take the money from it so easily (I'm talking about Visa). I use credit cards for virutally every purchase I make, unless I have...
  10. D

    Where is everyone from?

    I'm from China, but right now I live in the U.S. in Indiana. Haha, I like what you said about cars in harsh conditions.. I'm sure you were joking right?! O.O! Anyways, thanks for this thread, now I know where people are from :D
  11. D

    today good/bad?

    I've been having a good day so far as you can tell by now. My high point: I'm going to work soon to make some money! :D My low point: I hate going to work, but it's still worth it. I got some sleep yesterday night, so I'm all warmed up!
  12. D

    Do you believe in 2012?

    It would've been all over the news by now man.. and why would we have schools right now if the world is going to end in 2012? Don't believe in something just 'cause some "mayans" say it's going to end.. lol I don't believe in it, and unless by the power of God or nature, the world will not...
  13. D

    Do you like your car?

    Well I don't know if my car is good looking or not, I just need it for transportation you know? I mean tell me one other reason why you think a car has to look good and shiny.. lol NO reason at all! :D Anyways, I'm happy with my car, it's only been broken about 2 times in 5 years, crashed...
  14. D


    I actually never heard of StarCraft before, but I've seen my friends play it when I went to their house. It looks like it's a great game, with some nice graphics and sound effects. My friend is pretty gosu (professional) in the game, he clicks and presses buttons so fast on his keyboard lol.. it...
  15. D

    NBA thread.

    Wow, good to hear about so many of the NBA fans in a CAR forum.. lol Well anyways I live in Indiana, however the Pacers are doing really bad without JO, and TJ Ford has been playing like a douche bag these days, so I'm supporting the Celtics' like I said before. I don't know, I just lost hope...