3 Summer squash and 1 zucchini


New Member
Yes, I've picked items out of my garden and I'm so excited to eat them. Tonight we will be eating summer squash and zucchini. They are going to taste like heaven! Anyone picking anything yet? I'm not talking about anyone who gardens year round either.


New Member
I have picked a couple salads worth of romaine from my garden so far. I have also gotten a few jalapenos and I should have a couple zucchini ready by next week. I can see the beginnings of a couple tomatoes too.


New Member
Reminds me of a warning I was told when it came time to harvest zucchini. This guy told me, with a straight face, to keep my car locked during harvest season. I asked why? Because people will "give" you their excess harvest whether you want it or not. lol


New Member
Summer squash and zucchini

I wish we had some good squash. Oh, but they are so good with onions. We are planning a big corn husking and eating party during the coming week. We get invited to go into a field after the family has picked all they're going to pick. Then they plow it under. We take a pick-up truck and fill up the bed within an hour. It's a lot of work but so worth it.


New Member
We picked 4 cucumbers now and tons of squash and zucchini - I'm loving life. We have tomatoes but they are not ripe yet! We also have green peppers that are almost ready to eat.