All season, snow or studded


New Member
What kind of tires do you use in the winter? Do you even change your tires? Are studded tires legal in your state? I usually just have winter tires but I think I might switch to studs this winter.


New Member
I guess it depends on where you are. Our winters have been so mild the past few years that regular tires are all that's needed. Studs are legal here and I have used them a time or two when the going got tough.


New Member
I start off with winter tires and then if the winter is terrible I switch to studded tires. Last year was really mild and I never had to switch them over.


New Member
I hope we don't get too much snow this winter. It would be great to drive with my regular tires all year. I think studs are illegal in some states.


New Member
I have snow tires for my car, I prefer to be safe rather than sorry. Winters have been mild here too but you never know when some serious snowing will happen.


New Member
You really don't know when your area will get hit hard. It actually snowed here yesterday! Crazy!! It did not stick thankfully, but it still snowed. I think I will be changing to my snow/winter tires earlier than normal this year.


New Member
I usually just use all season, since our winters aren't very bad. The snows we do get are usually off of the roads in a day or two and it's not worth it to me to change them. People are crazy when it snows here. They have no idea how to drive in snow OR rain. There's a run on bread and milk in the store when it snows and they drive like mad men.


New Member
We can get a lot of snow up where I live but I still use all season. If you get a good brand and keep up with them, they'll work fine unless you live up a mountain or something.