All These Shootings


New Member
First it was Colorado, then Wisconsin, now 7 people were shot dead on a boat near Detroit. What's going on? Is our society really going downhill that much, or is it that it's all getting more media attention?


New Member
Both. When there is no morality left, this is what happens. When stress gets the better of people, this is what happens. When drugs are involved, this is what happens. Then the media gets involved and it's everywhere bringing attention to others who now have the knowledge of how to copy the crime and get attention. To me, it seems a vicious cycle.


New Member
I think Devan is right about it being a vicious cycle, but something's gotta give. I was in the grocery store the other day with my daughter and it crossed my mind that we aren't safe anywhere. That's a really scary thought. There are always going to be lunatics out there, but it seems like they're coming out of the woodwork more and more frequently. What's the answer?


New Member

These are the ones we hear about. I just wonder how many there are that don't make the national news. We had a shooting two months ago right here in our neighborhood shopping center. Our favorite waitress was shot and killed right in the restaurant, and we don't live in a dangerous neighborhood.


New Member
These are the ones we hear about. I just wonder how many there are that don't make the national news. We had a shooting two months ago right here in our neighborhood shopping center. Our favorite waitress was shot and killed right in the restaurant, and we don't live in a dangerous neighborhood.
Donnie, that's awful! Who shot her? That sounds like a personal vendetta, like an ex-boyfriend or something. I think the world has gone mad. I just don't understand how someone can think that going out and shooting a bunch of people is the answer.


New Member
This is one reason I would rather read the news than sit and watch it on TV. I know these issues are out there but its not the only thing I want to see on late night TV news either. Sometimes its just took much to take in when 80% of the news show is shootings and killings.


New Member
This is one reason I would rather read the news than sit and watch it on TV. I know these issues are out there but its not the only thing I want to see on late night TV news either. Sometimes its just took much to take in when 80% of the news show is shootings and killings.
I agree. After awhile you just kind of get jaded by at all. You still have compassion for the victims, of course, but it kind of wears on a person when, like you said, the majority of the news focuses on these things.

But as they say in the media, if it bleeds it leads.