Buying a Beamer


New Member
I have never thought of myself as a beamer person but there is a good deal in town and we are thinking about trading mine in. Has anyone here had one before, how reliable are they? And how good do they handle in the winter months?


New Member
I have never owned one either! Wow - if its a good deal then go get it! I would if I found a great deal. I would just love to say I owned a beamer! Is it new or used?


New Member
It is something we are still looking into but not right this minute, everything halted last week when a tool from my kid's school rear ended me. Can you believe anyone will lie about about a fender bender? The guy that hit me was a minister!


New Member
I have never owned one myself but I have a friend that has one. I don't think they are the greatest in the snow but they aren't the worst cars ever either. They are highly dependable and very comfortable. I am sorry to hear about your accident, hopefully it all gets worked out.


New Member
Insurance is handling the accident which is great, especially since the guy had the same insurance company as we do (and he fibbed about it). I guess we are lucky to not get snow here all that often then. I am still kicking the idea around but it might not end up being a beamer, even though my mother in law did offer to buy my car.


New Member
BMWs are awesome cars. They have a great reliability record and I would love to have one. I once knew a guy who had the same Beamer for over 25 years. Last I heard of him, he still had it and was driving it.


New Member
I have not owned a BMW but I've always heard good things about them. I don't know anyone who has owned one that complained about the car so that should tell you something. Your best bet is to search through all the reviews online, particularly the big name magazines and such that are known for being objective.


New Member
I know a few that have had them too but I have lost touch with those people. It still might be a while before we do a trade in, today I just spent a bit on a few things to pamper the car but the guy told me I need to look into more stuff.

Then he handed me an estimate for over $600.00 worth of "extra stuff", right before the holidays, he must be kidding himself. I hate when they try to up sell you.

Vroom Vroom

New Member
I owned a BMW 750 several years ago. I loved it. The only thing I didn't like is that if it ever needed work done, not just anyone could do it.