

New Member
If you spend a lot of time at the wheel, are you comfortable enough in your car? Does it have a good amount of customisation for seat position?


New Member
I suffer from back problems and sitting for long periods of time could really cause lots of pain. Nonetheless, I am so happy with my car. For some reason, the seat just adjust to my body in such a way that there is no pressure to my spine. I love it because I can drive for long periods of time and it doesn't bother me.


New Member
No way, my back constantly hurts when I'm in the car. I miss the lumbar support from my old car. I think the seat is too worn down, from the previous owners. I've considered getting new seats installed because of it.


New Member
Until my last vehicle I never had electric adjustable seats. The adjustments that I can make seem infinite. What a great upgrade to modern vehicles.


New Member
I would have to agree with you, Max. In some of my older cars, it seemed like the perfect position was like half way between two adjustment notches sometimes.


New Member
My driving seat is one of the most comfortable places in the world for me. Now, my legs eventually ache because they are short-so getting a perfect distance can be hard. But I don't have any problems with the seat itself.


New Member
My driving seat is perfectly comfortable for me, and I don't have an electrical adjustable seat or anything fancy. I'm pretty much average height and weight though, so I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones. After a really long drive sometimes my knees will hurt a bit, but that seems normal to me. I doubt there would be much I could do customization wise to improve that.


New Member
Unfortunately no. My driver seat is old and the previous owners must have sat there a lot. It's pretty uncomfortable, and can even be painful after a long period of time. I've thought about replacing the seat, just haven't spent the money to do it yet.


New Member
My driver's seat is TERRIBLE! It's an old one, and I don't know WHO decided it would be comfortable to have the seat back CONCAVE, but they were totally stupid, in my opinion! I really need to get some sort of support for in there.


New Member
I am currently sitting on a beaded car seat mat for back support. Hey, believe it or not , it has really supported my back! Plus, it was a pretty cheap investment.