Cover price


New Member
I have a cover for my grill and for our carts but what about a bike how much is that going to run? Even for a dirt bike I would think in nasty weather you want to protect it.
Safety is the first thing for any vehicle you have,and in the bad weather there are more problems with the bikes, so have a safety cover for it.


New Member
I am like that too, I like to keep everything covered. Protects it and keeps it cleaner too. I think they run anywhere from $40-up to $100 or more.


New Member
You can get them at so many places. How much you will pay just depends on the quality you want. I have seen them go up into the $150 range, but those are model specific high quality covers. Not necessary for the everyday bike.


New Member
I think 100 or so would be okay, I mean I paid close to 50 for the grill cover and thats just for the grill. That cooks good food for me but the bike would be something I need to depend on when on the road and maybe with a passenger on the back too. I might have to shop around and get some prices going.