Cruise control


New Member
How many of you use cruise control when you are going on a long trip? I use it to maximize my mileage and it really helps a lot.


New Member
We only take long road trips maybe once a year and we do try to use it but sometimes not as much as others do. I guess I still like the idea of being able to drive the car myself rather than just having to rely on the car only.
We don't take long trips very often, as they tend to be expensive, between the cost of gas, hotels and dining out. However, when we do take a long trip, we LOVE to use the cruise control!


New Member
I use cruise control going to work and it is only 20 miles away. I tend to use cruise control whenever I can. I would much rather not have to push the gas pedal. Cruise also keeps me away from speeding tickets.
Ha ha, Hotrod25! I think speeding ticket prevention is probably the best justification for cruise control that I can think of! When you said that, it reminded me of my old college days, back when I was fresh out of high school. I started out at a local community college that was only about 25 miles away, but it was highway travelling the entire way there and back. Local police enforcement LOVED to stake out a section of highway that was about 10 miles away from the college and just wait for speeding college students. I learned VERY quickly to set my cruise control to 55 mph as soon as I entered the highway!!


New Member
What really sold me on using cruise control was a trip I took about 5 years ago. My car is supposed to get 36 mpg on the highway but with cruise control and going 65 MPH, I got it up to 43 mpg. Over a 700 mile drive the savings on gasoline adds up.


New Member
I use cruise control all the time when I'm out on the Interstate. We live near the junction of two primary Interstate corridors, so just about anywhere we go, we're able to take the highways. Cruise control is great for staying at the right speed.