Fabric falling


New Member
The fabric on the roof of my hubby's truck is falling down. What is the best way to fix this? Glue or staple? Its an older truck.
This happened with a couple of our older vehicles, a few years back. We bought tacks from an auto parts store and tacked the fabric back up. If they still sell them, you can buy the tacks in the same color as the fabric, so they blend in better.


New Member
You could also try upholstery staples if you have a staple gun. I have never had it happen myself but I had a friend with a really old car that it happened too. I think he just ripped it off though.


New Member
vinyl roof repair

u can try the vinyl glue sealer to seal the loose areas,depending on the condition of the roof. you'll need 2 order a vinyl molding 4 good appearance or u could use "liquid nails" last resort,i would rip it off,sand it smooth and get it painted.


New Member
Its not super old so we would not just rip it off. I did not know anything about tacks. I think I will run to Advance Auto tomorrow to see if they have any. The fabric is black so it will be an easy match.