Florida Trip


New Member
I am wondering if there is a direct route to Florida from NYC that doesn't involve 95. I have traveled many types down to Florida, but I kind of want an alternative to 95.


New Member
Do you care how long it takes? Anything besides 95 is going to add major time. 301 runs the coast, but would take years compared to 95. You could use 95 but get off on more local roads when the opportunity presented itself. Or fly :smile:


New Member
I wish there was enough time to take. I think I am going with 95 with a few side roads to break the monotonous drive. We are so looking forward to this trip.


New Member
Last night I was thinking, you could also go 81 to 77 to 85 to 75. They're all interstates, but you could avoid 95 all together. Have a good trip!


New Member
Wow sounds like quite a trip. I hope you have fun. I can take a semi long trip but anything over 12 hours drives me over the edge.