Funny story


New Member
My daughter is just learning how to drive. She was driving today down our hill and she accidentally hit the shifter. The car was in neutral so when she gave it gas nothing happened. She was freaking! I had to tell her to look down. Glad I was with her when this happened.


New Member
I remember doing that a few times when I was just learning to drive. I am glad that you were with her too so that she didn't freak out too badly.


New Member
I was always scared when this happened a few times in the beginning. I laugh at it now but back then it was a real pain, not knowing what is going on.


New Member
Ah, the stories I could tell about learning to drive. Learning to back was my biggest challenge. Backed all over my mother's flower bed one time. My dad hollered at me, "don't you have any brakes on that car?" It's funny now but not then.