Gas station doesn't sell WHAT?

Dodge Doll

New Member
I can't believe this, but so help me it's true!

The local fuelling up spot doesn't sell tranny fluid. It has a full-out convenience store, name your junk food, but a GAS station that doesn't sell automotive-related products?

Yer kidding me? :mmph:


New Member
That's crazy! You'd think at LEAST they would carry the necessary fluids that are fairly universal (like oil, brake fluid, and transmission fluid), even if nothing else!


New Member
It doesn't surprise me one bit. It seems that gas stations either have a convenience store or nothing at all. The place where I refuel I wouldn't even get down from my car. It also seems that they have people that know absolutely nothing about cars either. I miss the days in which they would offer to check your oil even before you thought of it.


New Member
It also doesn't surprise me. It seems that there is a big push towards general stores, and it really doesn't make sense at all. A gas station is the first place I would go for that kind of thing.


New Member
I guess the new paradigm is convenience stores that happen to sell gas, not gas stations that happen to sell convenience items?