Heat advisory


New Member
It has been so hot the last few days. It was over 100 yesterday and it is close to that today. We bought a portable air conditioner yesterday but it seems like it is still hot.


New Member
Even with our A/C running full steam head we broke out a few extra fan's too, it was just that bad. Both of our vehicles have dark interior too so errand running this weekend was not as much as it normally is. We had some storms roll in last night as well but it only cooled down for about three hours.


New Member
We have been spending a ton of time in the pool at my house. We keep the blinds shut in the house and then put the window fans in when it's gets cooler at night. You are so right though - it's scorching.
It's been averaging close to 110 degrees here, so it's been almost unbearable outside during the day. We've had to stay indoors until sundown, running the A/C full blast the whole time. I wish we had a pool like Hotrod25 - I'd be in it until my fingers turned into prunes!!!


New Member
Mustangs we are right there with you! It has been hitting about 100 during the day with a heat index that makes it feel like 115. It is too hot to be outside even in a pool for any length of time.

Vroom we have a fan running in every room, a window AC in our bedroom and a portable room AC unit in the living room. Our house is still in the mid-80's.