Helmet law repealed


New Member
Driving around last weekend I noticed a lot of motorcyclists without helmets. I was a little confused since we have had a helmet law in my state for as long as I can remember, but after looking it up I discovered that the Governor repealed it in April!

Big Al

New Member
I suppose everyone has a choice when it comes to riding a motorcycle. If I were riding, I'd just as soon have something to protect my head and brain but, that's just me.


New Member
I've heard both sides of the argument about whether or not helmets should be worn. Helmet wearers want to be safe. That's good. Those who don't want to wear helmets say they are hot and prevent the rider from using all of their senses while riding.


New Member
What state are you in that repealed it? Most of the states around me have helmet laws except New Hampshire. I think they require helmets up to 16 years old but adults have the choice.


New Member
I live in Florida and they don`t have to wear helmets here either. I`m not sure about the age though. I do know that when riding bicycles you have to wear a helmet until your 16 years old. You get a ticket and if you don`t pay it, it goes against your drivers license. It happened to my son. I paid the ticket but somehow the court says they didn`t get it.


New Member
If someone is in a wreck without a helmet on and they came injury after it, I really do not think they should win the case if they choose to not protect themselves. I guess I see both sides of it but I still think its stupid to opt for not wearing protective gear.
If you're given a choice as to whether or not you'll wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, I think you should have to elect that choice in writing so that your insurance company can have it on file. Then, if you elect not to, the insurance company should have the option to charge you a higher premium for covering you.


New Member
Two accidents convinced me to wear a helmet. A friend was on the freeway and got into an accident. The highway patrol trooper said the helmet saved his life. Another friend was in an accident and wasn't wearing a helmet and was killed.


New Member
If I'm going to be crazy enough to climb onto a motorcycle, I'll be crazy enough to let them talk me into wearing a helmet, right? None of us humans, especially motorcycle riders, are capable of looking out for ourselves. Thus, they make the laws. I'd say err on the side of safety. That might mean not riding the bike.


New Member
I think it is crazy not to wear a helmet. I do like mustangs idea of having to elect helmet use in writing so that you pay more.