How Young?


New Member
When I was 15, I had decided that instead of getting a car when I got my license the next year, I would get a motorcycle. I figured I would save gas and have an easier time finding parking. My parents had other ideas, and made sure to buy me a car promptly after I got my license. Looking back, I can see why they did.

Would you ever allow your teen to drive a motorcycle? Are there places where this isn't allowed?


New Member
As a matter of fact, my 17 year old son had exactly the same thought process you did. His dad helped him to get a motorcycle, and he got a license for it (the insurance was 10% of what car insurance would have been). It is currently broken down (needs a new back tire) but he definitely enjoys it when he has it available!


Staff member
In my school's driver ed class we had a kid doing that. He went and got a motorcycle instead of a car.


New Member
Wow - insurance was only 10%? That's amazing! It actually makes me want to go ahead and resurrect the idea today, lol. I don't think I would allow my kid to do it, to be honest, unless I knew how to ride one myself and could teach my son or daughter how to on my own.


New Member
I was living in Germany when I was 16, and actually had a scooter that I rode. I really enjoyed it. Maybe now that I am older and a parent, I am more worried about the dangers, but I think a scooter is good to start out with.


New Member
Would you ever allow your teen to drive a motorcycle? Are there places where this isn't allowed?
That depends... when your teen gets his motorcycle does it come with a prescription of Valium for the parent? Cause if not I would probably end up with a heart attack. :shocked: