

New Member
Let's say you just bought a new suit for a job interview and you're looking sharp. Now, you don't have the nicest car on the block. If the person who interviewed you saw you getting into your car, do you think they would look at you differently and maybe not consider you for the job?


New Member
No, I would hope not. I landed the job I have now when I had a beater car. I still got the job. Your car does not say everything about you. Some people can't afford a nice new car, they should not miss out on a job opportunity.
I suppose there are some people out there who might be inclined to judge a person negatively based on their material possessions, but I know I don't want to work for a person like that, so I'd rather they didn't hire me!


New Member
I have read interviewing advice that says if your car is not the best, that you should park in a place where an interviewer will not see it. Human nature is what it is.


New Member
Girl, that is probably a good idea. I would hope that an interviewer would not judge you based on what you are driving but better to be safe than sorry.


New Member
I'm pretty sure they do, and the reason is more than likely that they are afraid your car would break down a lot and you would either be late or absent from work a lot. I would probably park on the next street over if it were me.