Most embarrassing moment


New Member
What's your most embarrassing moment with a car? When I was a teen, my buddies and I were in a GTO being really obnoxious. We peeled out and the car went clunk! Broken u joint. People were laughing as they drove by.


New Member
Oh that would be embarrassing. I don't think I have had any really embarrassing in my car. I just have them in every other area of my life. I am one big klutz so there is no shortage of embarrassing stories.


New Member
This one's easy. I was talking to the pretty lady next to me instead of watching what I was doing. We were parked behind a car waiting for the light to turn from red to green. The light turned. The car ahead of me started, then stopped. I started and didn't stop. I rammed him in the back. It was totally my fault, but when we got out to see the damage, the only damage was to my car. The guys in front were former students of mine, and they had obviously been drinking. They didn't want me to call the cops, so I didn't. I handled this all wrong, I know, and I really liked the pretty lady.


New Member
@ Calvin - that's a pretty good story. My question is, did you get the pretty lady's phone number. If you did, the accident was not in vain. lol


New Member
Mine was not that much of a biggie but it was on the day I drove for my road test to get my license when I was 16. I never thought about what I wore when I left the house and ended up driving a manual, in a dress that was quite short when you are shifting gears.


New Member
Oh, the lady and I ended up being really good friends. She eventually learned that I did have some character, but it's something we still smile about. I think of it every time I do a false start when I'm at a stop light.


New Member
Oh my. The first thing that comes to my mind is when I was 17. My boyfriend and I were in the back seat of my car having fun. All of a sudden lights lit up behind us. It was a cop! Now that was embarrassing!:shocked:


New Member
Another story that comes to mind is when my friend was taking his road test for his license. He was pulling out of the parking lot and got into an accident while the evaluator was in the car.