Motorcycle Noise Solutions?


New Member
Do you think there is any solution to how loud motorcycles run? We have a neighbor a few houses down and across the street with a bike and as soon as he starts it up, believe me, we hear it no matter where we are inside are closed up house.


New Member
I don't know what kind of solution you are looking for. I suppose you could sabbotage the bike or smash it to pieces, but that wouldn't be very good. I know what you are talking about with the noise. Some of those Harley bikes are so loud they scare the heck out of me sometimes when I'm up close to them.


New Member
There's probably not a whole lot you can do as long as the bike doesn't exceed the noise by-law. But I hear you. A few years back we had a guy with a Harley on our street. He left for work every morning at 6:00 and trust me, he was not very popular, even though he made a point of not revving the motor when he left his house.


New Member
Motorcycles are just loud. There isn't much you can do about the noise level. If your neighbor is revving, or purposely letting the bike run just to make noise then you could file a complaint. The process is different depending on where you live.