Motorcyclist hit


New Member
The other day a motorcyclist was struck right in front of my house. It was so scary because the bike fell on top of him and he wasn't moving at all. The ambulance and cops came and I guess he was talking and conscious which is a good sign.


New Member
I used to ride a bike and figured I was pretty good at being a defensive rider but I no longer ride. Bikes have such a small profile that they are easy to miss and drivers really aren't used to seeing motorcycles.


New Member
Motorcycles just scare the crap right out of me. I get so nervous when one of them is on the road with me. I found it odd that the accident never even made the local news. Especially since my road was closed for the better part of an hour when it happened.


New Member
My parents were in a serious motorcycle accident about 5 years ago. My mom rides but only short distances. My dad got right back on as soon as he was healed and able. I think they are way too dangerous!


New Member
I wonder if he was hit direct on or if he had to lay the bike down early? There have been two wrecks in our town recently where the biker had to lay it down in order to not have a worse wreck. One guy lost his leg in it as the car approaching him was drunk, the other man died.


New Member
Talking to the neighbors, I guess a car backed into him pulling out of one of the driveways. I worry about that in my truck all the time because the people driving on my road do not pay attention. There are lots of cars coming and going all the time.


New Member
My brother has a friend who was in a motorcycle accident many years ago. He is paralyzed from the waist down. I`m not sure what happened as far as the accident goes. I have ridden on the back of a bike but never drove one. I like them but they are very dangerous.