Saltwater bad for your paint?


New Member
Why is Saltwater bad for the paint on your car? I am always told to wash off the salt right after it snows, and when at the beach to keep it off my car. Why?


New Member
Salt isn't just bad for the paint, it's bad for the car. Salt plus metal equals corrosion (rust)! That's why so many northern cars get so rusty, especially in the wheel wells, because of salted winter roads. Anytime you get sea spray on the car, or drive on salted roads, you should immediately clean the car, especially the underside, the wheel wells and the bottom of the doors with a strong stream of clean water. Otherwise, it might rust.

Dodge Doll

New Member
Road salt encourages corrosion, and not just in wheel wells, either. Exposed sections of frame, tail pipe assemblies.... aluminum alloys really don't like it....

Yes, if you want your wheels to last, washing the road salt off of it regularly is mandatory.


New Member
I'm glad I learned this information, I didn't know salt was bad for your car. I don't live in an area where it snows, so I doubt our roads ever have much salt on them. We also don't go to the beach very often. When we do we have to park far from the ocean anyway because they're so crowded here. I guess I'm lucky I haven't had to worry much about this, but it's good to know for road trips.