Short temper on the road


New Member
I notice that I have shorter temper when I am driving than I did at home or in office. I don't know it is because of the road, the car or the other drivers.


New Member
Driving can be very stressful to some people. My sister has a temper as well but it turns out it is all related to her anxiety. When she was younger a drunk driver hit her car. She was alright but it really scared her. Maybe finding the reason you get agitated will help.


New Member
My brother takes Buspirone. It is a prescription medicine for anxiety but more specifically used to treat road rage. I am glad he takes it because he is one of those people who scares me.


New Member
I have short temper on the road, yes, but not to the point that I would need Buspirone, I guess. Moreover, I have a bad experience with driving after taking medicines.


Staff member
I am like that sometimes. Usually when my daughter is crying, and I have someone doing something like stopping with no stop sign, or driving crazy, I can sometimes yell at the other driver. I'm really trying hard not to, but sometimes something just trips and I will call another driver an idiot or blurt out that they have no stop sign.


New Member
I don't get too frustrated on the road unless people are doing something completely dumb like sitting in the turn lane waiting when they have plenty of time to go or disobeying traffic laws.


New Member
I also tend to have shorter temper on the road, especially in the rush hour or when I get trapped in a traffic jam. I think I would need Buspirone some day.


New Member
Road rage is a real threat these days and I am not immune. A car was driving fast and sped up to my bumper one night. They put their high beams on and just stayed on my bumper in spite of having room to pass. I got angry and pulled off of the road, I let them get ahead of me and I did them the same way. They finally turned off of the road onto another and I finally realized what I had been doing. I've been so ashamed of myself ever since I try my very best not to be that person again.


New Member
I have more of a complain under my breathe, nothing to the point of getting me "mad" or highly upset to have some road rage but I have rode with some others back in my carpool days that I quickly stopped riding with due to their "madness". Some people are quite scary behind the wheel.


New Member
Heh, I used to be really bad, not like my brother though. As I got older I started to calm down. Now I try to avoid rush hour, leave plenty of time to get there and listen to soothing music.


New Member
Most people do get short temper behind the wheel because you get caught by so many unexpected minor stuff. We all want to drive smoothly but when other drivers get in the way we get irritated. It's just an attitude, I think.