Staying safe in your car


New Member
I keep having thoughts about the woman in Hurricane Sandy whose children were swept away after her car stalled in the advancing waters. Besides evacuating earlier, is there any extra thing people can do is these situations to guard against such tragedies?


New Member
I don't think so! I mean don't drive through large standing bodies of water. I know they could not help that! It was so sad wasn't it! Sandy did a lot of damage all over.


New Member
I felt so bad for that woman. It's easy to stand here and say "You should've evacuated sooner" and "Don't drive in floodwaters" but it's a little late now and I'm sure she's doing nothing but blaming herself.


New Member
I almost flooded my car once about three blocks from my house and it scared me pretty bad. It was during normal daylight hours but just the thought of being stranded like that hit me. I am not sure what would happen if weather conditions like that popped up around here.


New Member
Oh, that's so sad. I hadn't seen that story. That poor woman must be tormented by 'what ifs' at this point. It's so easy to sit back and say what someone should have done but until you're in that situation, you don't know.


New Member
Other than not driving in the water there isn't much you can do. There is a point where it is safer to stay where you are than try to evacuate. I think a lot of people underestimated the damage that this storm would cause.


New Member
I also think people forget how heavy water can be. We've been around sound and ocean waves when a huge storm kicked up, and it's unreal how pounding and relentless those waves can be. My heart aches for this lady and her family.