The backseat and Fido

How do you manage the dog hair that accumulates when your pet travels with you in the car? We have a blanket that we keep in the backseat that we vacuum and wash from time to time.


New Member
Fido and the back seat

Dog hair is a problem for dog owners. I keep a huge towel in the seat, which I change frequently. I use the vacuum once a week. My secret weapon is a big roll of sticky brown tape. I pull off an arm length of it and go to town, pressing the tape down on the seats as a kind of quick maintenance. It's a continuous job.


New Member
A blanket only goes so far but would you believe our cats (in kennels) shed more than our dogs who are seat belted in do? We still break out the blankets but normally we just have to vacuum the vehicle out after the trip, its the only thing that fully works.

Big Al

New Member
Use a big blanket to try and catch the hair. After a trip or two, I'd take the car to one of those car wash places that have the powerful vacuum cleaners. Those things should be strong enough to clean out the most stubborn dog hair.