#1 dangerous driving habit

Dodge Doll

New Member
The whole schtick about cell phone use and driving has been all over the news. We're having it pounded into our heads that using a cell while driving is NOT a safe/wise thing to do.

Well, the #1 dangerous driving habit.... its drinking coffee, particularly during the morning commute. Not only is it a distraction, but a tap of the brakes while slurping one usually means you end up wearing some: OUCH. The reaction to the OUCH isn't always a happy ending... er, pun intended?

Anyways, beverages, and food, rank the #1 and #2 spots, for dangerous driving habits.... and no one is up in arms about it. For some reason, I find that ironic.



New Member
I didn't know that drinking coffee was such a huge danger while driving. I wonder how many accidents have been caused by hot coffee?

Honestly I don't think anybody is going to do anything about eating and drinking while driving for a few reasons. The fast food industry would suffer so they would raise a stink about it.

They can't expect every person eating and drinking to find a place to pull over. And where would they draw the line? Is eating a chocolate bar worth the same ticket as eating a big, messy hamburger?

It is dangerous but there's no way it will ever go away (and I'm guilty of it as well).


New Member
I find it stupid. Too many people are doing things in the car that it was not intended for. Drink your coffee at home before you leave for work, wake up early enough that you are not half asleep driving. Eat your food at a table, not a steering wheel.


New Member
I do not think the fast food industry would allow any campaigns on how unsafe it is to eat, drink and drive considering they make a ton of money getting people to do it.


New Member
I am not surprised to hear that food and drink are so dangerous. I have seen how people drive while they are trying to eat lunch.


New Member
I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY. I think that is the biggest problem for drivers nowadays. In Europe, there are no cupholders for gigantic big gulps and areas to eat like we have in the US. That's why they are all safer drivers.


New Member
Absolutely anything can distract you in the car. Some people can't handle a phone, a cup of coffee, a stereo, a pet, a child, or even having a companion in the front seat. A lot of drivers can. There are plenty of things that we probably shouldn't do in a car that we do.

I travel, partly for a living. I'm going to occasionally eat a meal in the car because I have somewhere to be and I am on a 16 hour trip. I'm occasionally going to have a soda, a water bottle, a coffee in the car. I never knew that other people thought it was a big deal to have food and drinks in the car.


New Member
You know, it really amazes me that there are not more accidents than there really are. I think a great deal of luck prevents quite a few accidents waiting to happen.


New Member
You guys jinxed me! I always drink coffee when I drive, yes I admit I am guilty. Today, for the first time, I spilled hot coffee on my lap while driving! Ouch, that hurt.


New Member
It's a good point (and kind of different twist on drinking and driving!) Sometimes I think the whole multi-tasking mentality has gone too far, to tell you the truth.


New Member
I do believe that drinking coffee or other hot beverage is a reason why the older generation would get into accidents.

I still think texting or chatting when driving is the downfall for our younger drivers.


New Member
I can see where hot beverages could be an issue, but a cup of water or pop (with a lid and straw) is unlikely to cause problems for a driver sipping, in my opinion.


New Member
Food and drink in the car while driving is not a good idea. Using the right kind of containers for drinks makes all the difference.


New Member
I used to eat in the car. But not anymore. I had to pull over one time because I started choking on something I was eating. This was a few years ago and I have never did it again since. It was scary!


New Member
Wow, this is not what I would have expected. I will eat at my wheel if I want to. I have no problem with it because I don't need to look down to do it. I have never had an issue with cutting someone off or anything while eating or drinking anything.

Cell phones however, ARE a major problem. One of my ex wifes coworkers lost an 8 year old grandchild because of some idiot on a cell phone that ran on to the curb and hit him when he was at the bus stop on the way to school.

Nearly everytime I'm cut off of I see other people cut off they are looking down at their phone texting or just talking on their phone and most of the time they don't even realize they nearly ran someone off the road. I don't know where you guys live, but I can't agree with food being the biggest problem on the road. Too much proof to say otherwise.


New Member
I don't drink coffee on my way to work or ever for that matter, but sometimes I do grab a bottle of water as I am heading out the door and drink it while driving to wherever I am heading.