"Automatic" seat belts


New Member
It seems there was "an era" a few years back when some cars were designed for the seatbelts to automatically buckle up when the car was started. Is that still the case?


New Member
I have seen those in quite a while. There were two kinds - the one that would buzz along a track once the car started, and the other kind that was attached right to the door and you'd have to slide under it. I don't think either one ever really caught on. Now it just beeps at you if you aren't buckled.


New Member
Well, it was just the shoulder belt that crossed over your chest when you closed your door, but I don't think anyone makes those anymore and haven't for a while. That was an early 90's think. I have a '90 T-Bird and it has those belts, but they can be quite annoying when you bump your head on them.


New Member
Well, it was just the shoulder belt that crossed over your chest when you closed your door, but I don't think anyone makes those anymore and haven't for a while. That was an early 90's think. I have a '90 T-Bird and it has those belts, but they can be quite annoying when you bump your head on them.
My brother had one of those. It was a very annoying feature in my opinion. Never hit my head on it, but I really didn't ride in it that much either.


New Member
Ahhhhhhhhhh hahaha. A friend of mines mom used to have this horribly ugly Ford Tempo. We had to borrow it one time for a road trip and the belts kept trying to attack us.


New Member
I haven't thought about those seat belts in so many years. I think I forgot they existed. I wonder if they actually provided any help in a crash. If so, why stop making them?


New Member
I used to have a car with those moving shoulder belts. I never really cared for them and would often have it unplugged because it was annoying. This is one feature I am glad to see go. Now, how to get rid of that beeping? ;)


New Member
Those things! They always moved too fast if you weren't thinking about it and had a cup of coffee in your hand, and a lot slower than if you just clicked a manual locking belt.


New Member
I join the chorus. I haven't thought of this in a very long time. I haven't seen on in I don't even know how long. I think not only were they annoying, but I am not really sure they were that safe.


New Member
Wow, those were incredibly weird belts. A friend of mine still has a car with this kind of belt. I always found it somewhat odd, but they are strapped for cash so keep it going.