Calming Teen Driving


New Member
Teenagers are at such high risk of accidents when they drive. How can we decrease the risks? Do you think that enough is currently being done?


New Member
Number 1: Either raise the driving age so that they are a little more mature OR raise the age to 18 for when they can drive with others in the car who are not family. Friends are a huge distraction for teens in the car and they also influence them to do stupid things on the road.

Number 2: They should either not be allowed to play the radio in the car OR there should be some kind of device that won't allow them to play music past a certain volume.

Number 3: All parents should get those devices in the car that lock phone calls from coming in or going out so long as the car is in motion (only exception is for 911).

Number 4: All parents should get those devices that show parents exactly how fast their children are driving in the car (that way if they are continually speeding, then parents can take the keys away).


New Member
Don't allow teens to be driving past 9:30 or 10:00 P.M. The later that they are out, the more likely they will cause some kind of trouble. Parents need to take more responsibility with setting and keeping these kinds of rules.


New Member
I fully support all of the things that are currently in place, but I still don't think it's enough. I really think that we let kids drive too soon-they need to be a little more mature first.


New Member
Honestly, I think the main thing is their upbringing. If a kid is raised to be responsible, then driving is less likely to be an issue. Today, kids are being taught that they need to "be kids" and it's ok to "go wild" before they become adults. Too many parents are raising *children* instead of training children to be responsible adults. Too many children are staying children instead of learning responsibility, courtesy, and ethical behavior.

Sorry, I guess I jumped on a soap box there.


New Member
Great advice guys. I also think that teens are allowed to drive too soon. Raising the driving age to 18 or older is the way to go. It wouldn't be a popular policy though.


New Member
I know from my own teen years that kids will be kids at any hour, pushing it to almost 10PM is not going to make any difference on a Friday night as 6PM would. We do need to pay attention more which sadly parents are not doing.