Changig the Oil


New Member
I usually change the oil and tune-up my truck myself. I've been putting the oil in a large container until I can figure out where to take it or a way to recycle it. Does anyone have any suggestions?


New Member
You can usually take it to any car dealership, they are supposed to take used oil. Call first though to be sure. I'm not sure where else you can take it. We take ours to the local dealership, they don't charge us anything.


New Member
Maybe check with one of your local oil-changing locations? Surely they would have a way to dispose of the used oil, since they deal with that regularly.


New Member
My city has hazardous waste drop off twice a year. I usually will take my used oil to that and the best part is it's free! You should check with you local city and see if they hold those at all.
My city has hazardous waste drop off twice a year. I usually will take my used oil to that and the best part is it's free! You should check with you local city and see if they hold those at all.
We too have the city recycle, but you have to keep it forever until they have an open date for that kind of material. While checking around, almost all places like WalMart, etc., will take that and not charge you. That is what I now do.


New Member
I take mine to a local mechanic who doesn't charge me anything for taking it. I've used it to coat fence posts, too. I don't know many ways to recycle it.


New Member
There's a big recycling place near to us, they take all kinds of dodgy stuff. They take eWaste and carpets, and stuff that's harder to get rid of. I think that all towns should have one.