Chrysler workers in TROUBLE


New Member
Oh no- no wonder so many cars are coming out with problems... no seriously it is a problem but I wonder how many other factory type jobs have the same issues. I could probably think of a lot of them.


New Member
Wow, that is insane, but being Detroit does not surprise me in the least. I hope they face some serious consequences for that because being impaired in a factory situation like that not only puts them in danger but their coworkers as well.


New Member
There have been worse

Yeah, that isn't good but I know a man who did something much worse in that it was much stupider. His father stopped by and dropped off a box. Turns out there was a tarantula in the box and it got loose. Shut the whole line down for hours. Lesson learned... do not take pets to work... especially if that pet is a tarantula.


New Member
Unfortunately, I'm not surprised. I don't see this as something unbelievable these days, but they definitely deserve to lose their jobs. Let more responsible people who are unemployed appreciate the work.


New Member
I agree. There are so many good, hardworking, and fully qualified people out of work right now. If those people are not willing to give 100% then they should be replaced with someone who will.