funeral processions


New Member
Yes always and after having buried both parents I can attest to the anger a family get when other do not stop. During my mothers passing we had someone also run into our group. :(


New Member
Of course I do. I see a lot of people that don't when they go by but I always do. I'm not in that much of a hurry ever - that I can't give someone the courtesy of going to the cemetery to bury their dead.


New Member
You better believe I do. When we were in procession for my nephew years ago, there were two cars at an intersection and we decided to let them go, but they wouldn't go. They were so considerate that they let us go first.


New Member
I honestly have never seen a funeral precession while driving. I don't know if it is because of the area I live in or because of the fact that I have only been driving a few years, but if I did see one I would definitely stop. I don't know what type of person wouldn't stop.


New Member
I've also never seen a funeral procession. Is it still a common ritual? I'm glad I read this thread, since now I'll be ready if I do encounter one. I would never intend to be disrespectful, but I could see myself accidentally doing the wrong thing if I had no clue what was going on.


New Member
For Catholics they are a common ritual I suppose. I am Catholic and every death in our family has been accompanied by a motorcade. This is at the funeral only though, not the wake.


New Member
Where I live, it is now illegal to stop for funeral processions (except at intersections, of course, but they usually have police officers out there to direct traffic).


New Member
I live in the south and funeral processions are common here. I think they are always led and ended with a police car. I always stop out of respect and because everyone stops. I am not sure of the legality of just stopping in the middle of the road, so sometimes I pull into a driveway. My husband always removes his hat too. I guess it is just southern manners for him to do so.


New Member
We always stop but there is almost always a police officer there too. I think it is just common courtesy. We don't see a lot of them where I live though.


New Member
I have never encountered a funeral procession while driving and hope I don't. I wouldn't know what to do. I wouldn't intend to break up the procession but I don't know if I would do the right thing out of nervousness.