How to aim a headlight


New Member
When I get my new headlight and put it in I know I am going to need to aim both of them. I have not done this before. Does anyone know how to aim a headlight?


New Member
I do not do this very often, but it is not that hard. There are quite a few steps in aiming a headlight. See this link and you will see a step by step guide that explains how to aim a headlight.


New Member
That is a great link, I always wondered how to aim a headlight. Some years ago, I worked with a group of specialists from England. One of them was moving to France, to work at that office. I asked him about whether he would have to get a new car. (For those that don't know, the English drive on the left side of the road, while the rest of Europe drives on the right side of the road like North America). This gentleman explained that all he had to do was to get the headlights aimed in the other direction, which he could do himself!