New Baby Car Seat


New Member
I'm about to add a new member to the family, and therefore, I need a baby car seat. I've read the rules on which type of seat to get, it has to be rear facing until the baby is 16kg. I want one that I can setup easily, but safely. I'm so confused about all the different types and makers. Does anyone have any experience in this area?


New Member
From what I remember, most of them are actually pretty similar. You can ask someone at the store you're buying it at to recommend their most popular ones if you want. Some you might need to by a special clip to get slid onto the seatbelt so that it fits snugly onto the carseat and doesn't slide around, but many come with the clip.


New Member
I have a few tips of advice. All car seats are different. First of all make sure to check and review your choices. Second, ask the store to let you take it out to the car and test putting it in and taking it out. All seats are different sizes and angles. You will want to try putting the floor model in before you buy it to prevent buying one that might not fit your car right.


New Member
Sharky, what a great idea you've given me. I had not thought of trying out the floor model of several types. I really want to get a very safe model, but I also want it to be as easy as possible to put in and take out. Thanks.


New Member
I live next to the fire department, and they were a great help when it came down to installing the car sit. You should always take the car to make sure that the car seat is properly installed because your baby is an important cargo you are responsible for.


New Member
All I can say is, that is one reason I am happy that I didn't drive when my kids were still that small! I have had friends bring their car seats whenever I watch their kids, and I get so frustrated with the whole thing, that I don't even take them anywhere!