Pain in the neck


New Member
My neck started hurting really bad about halfway through the day. I have tried Excedrin and a hot bath so far and neither worked so I think I am going to throw a heat patch on it and see if it gets any better. Anybody have any other suggestions?


New Member
As far as medicine is concerned, Goody Powders are my OTC pain-reliever of choice. Personally, I've never found any ibuprofen-containing meds, like Excedrin, to be effective at pain-relief. (They are good for relief of swelling, though.) As far as a non-medicinal treatment, I would suggest some form of Icy Hot until you can get to a heating pad. Hope this helps!


New Member
If you can afford it and get an appointment, a masseuse or chiropractor can work wonders. I know they have always helped me a lot when I have neck and back pain.


New Member
If you're driving or sitting for long periods of time, a support pillow behind your neck can help relieve some of the pressure. I get like this sometimes, especially when I have to hold my neck in one position for any length of time.