Reality TV


New Member
I used to really like these shows, especially Nanny 911 and The Batchelor. These days I try to avoid them as there's nothing really interesting on anymore. How about you?


Staff member
History Channel, HGTV, and similar channels are what I tune to first. Otherwise it is shows like Rescue Me, Justified, or Sons of Anarchy.


New Member
There are some reality shows that I enjoy watching. Cops, Dirty Jobs, Wife Swap and World's Wildest Police Chases are my favorites. But I like almost anything on the History Channel and Science Channel.


New Member
I used to watch **** My Ride in the past. It's my favorite TV show (I don't have other favorites, I don't watch TV that much). I wish I were one of the happy car owners.


New Member
Some of the reality shows are fascinating. There's a new one called My Strange Addiction that shows some really freaky people (one lady eats toilet paper, another thinks her puppets are her kids).

Another that I like to watch is that Hoarding show. Every time I watch it, I spend the next hour throwing things away. What an awesome way to clean house!

Another good one for cleaning up is the BBC's How Clean is Your House. Those ladies have some really great tips!


New Member
Oh I forgot about wife swap. I enjoyed that, despite worrying about the kids involved sometimes. I may be tempted back into the world of TV by the hoarding show, especially if it helps you clean out your junk.


New Member
I don't watch movies very often, but I'm curious about wife swap. That's a reality show, right? How does it go? I find the term "wife swap" somewhat repulsive.


New Member
I love Discovery Channel. I have been watching the program since I was still a child. Needless to say that you can learn many things from the program.