Summer weather worse


New Member
It seems as each year that goes by the weather gets nastier if that is even possible. Allergies get worse, the humidity gets worse. I wonder if this is really global warning or just old age talking. :eek:hwell:


New Member
The weather where I live has been getting stranger and stranger. It stays colder longer and then all of the sudden, we have really hot, humid weather. It's really strange and I don't like it. Yeah, the allergens seem to be getting worse too. I don't know what to attribute it to.


New Member
I guess we are all starting to feel the effect of global warming. It's really hot here in our place at daytime but always raining at night. No wonder I got fever and common colds.


New Member
Yesterday I got a sunburn from watching a baseball game. I was out there from 11:30 until 3pm. Today it is rainy and COLD. Go figure right? I think it's the weather!


Staff member
My allergies were fairly well until about two years ago. Strangely enough it was when my wife first moved in with me.


New Member
It seems as each year that goes by the weather gets nastier if that is even possible. Allergies get worse, the humidity gets worse. I wonder if this is really global warning or just old age talking. :eek:hwell:
I never had asthma as a child. Suddenly last year I get these coughing fits especially on a hot night. I went to the doc and she said that it was ADULT ONSET ASTHMA. Eh? I always thought that one outgrows asthma...NOT grow into it. lol

Anyhow..she said not to worry I am not alone. The environment (dust/pollution) plus the weather has made a lot of people susceptible.

That is NOT exactly comforting....