Time change


New Member
Usually there is a lot of hoopla surrounding Daylight Savings Time but this week I didn't hear a single thing. I guess I should feel lucky that all my important timepieces (my computers and phone) change the time automatically otherwise I could have ran into some trouble today. Did anyone else forget about it being today?


New Member
We were at church bright and early, but it was so tempting to stay home this morning. I am one of those who wish we'd set the clocks at the half hour mark and just leave it alone. I never can get used to the time changes.


New Member
I actually did forget too and you are right it was kind of quiet this time. Good thing the TV box changed and cell phone too. I almost forgot to change my alarm clock last night. I swear it takes me forever to get used to the time change. I'm still tired this morning. I do love that it's lighter longer at night though.


New Member
I do appreciate the extra daylight but I hate the time change. My body gets so confused because I get up at 5:30 AM and with the time change my body thinks that is 4:30. I didn't really hear anything about it either but my sister called me to remind me Sunday morning.


New Member
I was so sleepy at work today, I couldn't stand it. It's funny how that one missed hour of sleep affects people like that. It's hard going into work and it not be daylight yet, but it's nice that it doesn't get dark so early now.