Trash & Clothes & stuff


New Member
I tried one of those over-the-back-seat trash bags and it held all of about 2 used kleenex plus a candy wrapper. So I went to a plastic grocery bag. That didn't last much longer. Now I have a full-sized green (black?) trash bag that sits in my car accumulating all the garbage that I generate.

I get my mail straight from my car, so the junk mail & catalogs go in there. Fast food wrappers. Tags off of things I've bought. It's unbelievable how much trash I generate.

When I go to clean out my car, the trash bag is full, plus I can usually get an entire laundry basket of spare socks, jackets, mittens, gym clothes, uniforms - it's ridiculous. (I won't even mention the stack of books, magazines, pens, pencils, notepads, ...)

I feel like I live in my car, and it usually looks like it.

Am I the only one?


New Member
Uuuum, yes. I make sure I clean all the trash, clothes, books, whatever, out of my car every day. I despise driving a dirty car because it makes me think that everybody else thinks I'm a slob. The outside may get dirty (because of rain and snow), but I try to keep the inside clean.


New Member
Tabby, you're not the only one. I'm so bad about keeping my car cleaned out. There's really no excuse for it because all we'd have to do is take everything out of the car when we get home each time. Does anyone have any cures for car slobs?