Weight and gas efficiency


New Member
I keep telling my brother that he needs to get some of the audio equipment from his truck. The speakers alone weight a ton. I keep telling him that if his truck was lighter he would be saving a lot of money on gas. Am I right or what?

Dodge Doll

New Member
Yes, but if the weight assists with traction in snow/ice, well, I'd keep the equipment....

At least until the thaw hits, that is. :)


New Member
I don't really like having too much shiny or electronic stuff in my car. In the area where I live, it is just asking for trouble. I guess it does make a difference in how much gas he consumes. However, some people don't really care about saving when it stands in the way of their comforts or desires.


New Member
My brother decided to listen to me for once and took the big speakers out of his car. He is already regretting it, but he says that he has noticed the difference in gas consumption. Let's see what is more powerful need for loud music or less gas consumption.