What's The Reasoning?


New Member
With the government going from 10% to 15% ethanol, I can't help but ask myself what the purpose is. From what I've read, ethanol is very expensive to produce, is harder on vehicles and is not efficient. Is there something I'm missing or is this not a good thing?


New Member
I've never understood that. Why would the government want to encourage adding ethanol when it costs more to produce it? Don't they realize the prices are already high enough. They don't need to be pushed higher.


New Member
The only two reasons I can think of is that mixing it with the gasoline decreases total gasoline consumption and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.


Staff member
Like max said, the only two things I can think of gas consumption and greenhouse gases. It should not be too bad on modern vehicles though, and those that can handle e85 anyway will have no problems with it.


New Member
I think the increase in ethanol blends for fuel is primarily due to the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, both originating in the US, which have pushed the production and mandatory use of renewable fuels.